You need to watch this show if you did not get the reference.
My current project has me embarked on a sail through the realms of the pixel art. Something I have never done before and did not fancy all that much. Plus, after all that 3D- and compositing work, I am starving for some honest pen drawing. Being the clever schmock, I pitched the style for the project as 8bit retro game art but executed as a hand drawing. I figured, not many have done this kind of high concept approach and at the time it seemed like a clever idea, like this here sketch.But the ass-for-a-face client liks my preliminary sketches in "real" pixel art more so I unwillingly am pushed to do an all out pixel art project without any real pen work. But as I dig into it a little bit I grow to like it more and handling the new rules makes one come up with new ideas all of a sudden. I come to appreciate all the cool things pixel artists have given us so far. From the original 8-bit veterans who handled technical restrictions and build a style out of necessity to the current designers who self impose pixel art rules either because their monkey brains are stuck on super mario land or they just can't draw.
Either era bred tons of cool designs and styles. My project is not going to be released until April so bear with me and have fun checking those links:
Eboy - I don't really have to explain the guys who made pixel art cool again 10 years ago. Mostly poster art, but also lots of toys and designy stuff.
Flairs - Truckers Delight I love this Music Video. Its retro but it's cool too.
Cave Story A very cool freeware game. Very famous too as I just found out. Super gameplay, nice story and lots of cool artwork. They are working on a Wii portation.
Super Brothers They make illustration and animations and I think something for the Iphone. And this is currently my desktop picture. I love their stuff. I don't really understand it, but I guess that is part of the appeal.
Architecture in Helsinki Do the Whirlwind - nice Music Video. I love their music, too.
Kings of Power 4 Billion % by Paul Robertson. Sick sick sick Animation reminiscent of videogame titles like Metal Slug and streets of rage.
Meatboy very cool game by indie developer Ed McMillen
For some reason, I am starting to hate on all that 8bit style music that has to many high pitched sounds, blips and squeeks in it. It is exhausting. If you are the twittering type, follow me on twitter - there I am even more boring (and german!)
Mittwoch, Januar 27, 2010
Pixel Art: Sheer elegance in its simplicity
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5 Kommentare:
Vielen Dank für die vielen interessanten Links! Das letzte Mal dass ich wirklich PixelArt gemacht habe ist gut 6Jahre her, und ich muss leider sagen, dass es mir damals nicht besonders viel Spaß gemacht hat ;)
Gespannt drauf wie das Projekt wird, bin ich dennoch.
ja mann, wie gesagt. ich habe gerade auch extrem bock auf zeichnen, gerade wo du so coole skizzen en masse raushaust. aber, ich finds garnicht so schlimm.
Deine Pixel-Artworks gefallen mir wirklich gut. Als alter Videospieler Baujahr 1972 finde ich die Idee und Umsetzung einfach klasse.
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danke für die einladung. ich habe leider keine zeit im moment. aber gegen ende des jahres komm ich darauf zurück. bin aber zwei tage in erlangen, da kann man ja mal quatschen.
Ja - sehr gerne. Ich bin alle 4 Tage da. Wir werden auch im ersten Stock sitzen.
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